Artificial Life
The study of ALife
incorporates a wide collection of fields including self-organization, emergence,
group behavior, cellular automaton, chaos, and evolution. However, from its
beginning, the discipline of ALife has dealt with concepts and issues that are
of interest to a much wider audience than just scientific researchers. Software
developed for investigating various aspects of this field has often achieved
wide spread popularity. The “Game of Life” for example enjoys a
huge popularity on the Internet, and continues to fascinate and entertain both
scientists and non-scientists. In particular, many of the concepts investigated
in this field are of direct relevance to the entertainment and computer game
industry such as simulating group motion and behavior, developing realistic
adaptive opponents, and creating adaptive environments.
The ALife system used by Evolutionz is driven by the fact that intelligence
and increased complexity emerged among terrestrial organisms as a function of
open evolution in natural ecosystems; Therefore simulating and studying this
process on a computer is a worthwhile exercise that has the potential of producing
interesting results. We intend for Evolutionz to be a fun and accessible tool
for investigating artificial ecosystems under open evolution.
To learn more about ALife, ALife research and more ALife software check out a few of the following sites:
International Society of Artificial Life:
The Digital Biology Project:
Karl Sims: