Programmer : Philippe Kunzle
Before using, read : License agreement
DOWNLOAD : | Not at the time |
Info & Updates
I currently improving the gl3d engine. I should have the GL3D Editor up by the end of this semester (winter 2004) but I am not sure when it will be ready for download
This program is a simple 3D engine that allows its user to easily create a scene and display it.
Download the documentation (Word format)
None at the time.
Add Cg programs, DDS files, collision detection
Don't hesitate to Email me if you have any problem, suggestions or if you find
more bugs.
Copyright (c)
2002 Philippe Kunzle.
Permission is granted to copy or distribute this program in any medium, provided
this notice is preserved. This program shouldn't be used for commercial purpose
unless a prior permission is granted by the author.
Updated on January 25th 2004